A brand/communications planning blog based in Mexico City.
You can observe a lot just by looking -
Yogi Berra.
Saturday, September 29, 2007
Brand Definitions at Your Fingertips
Here is a neat directory table for brand definitions from Kolbrener (brand consultants) by way of the good people at threebillion.com, who are one of my main sources for youth trends and other brand related news. They always seem to filter their sources well and nearly all their posts are worth reading. The Kolbrener table is a good reference for structuring projects but beware of some of the definitions as it would appear that our friends at Kolbrener also specialize in MBA speak. Nothing wrong with that, just a bit irritating after a while. If you really like that stuff, try the MBA on a page from Value Based Management. They have managed to cram literally everything you might ever need to know about management theory on just one page with links to the detailed sources. Amazing! Just the thing if you need to brush up on the 3C´s, 7P´s, 7S´s or Activity Based Costing. I´ll bet you´ll be clicking over there right now!! I think that one came from Guy Kawasaki a few weeks back.
Friday, September 7, 2007
Not so forever young? (Click on image for larger view)
According to the TGI (Target Group Index) Global Barometer, Mexicans are becoming less concerned with looking young than they were a few years ago; less now than Germans and Russians. 50% of Mexican adults, 18+, agree that "it is important to keep looking young." Of course averages can be misleading. In all probability at least 75% of Mexican women would agree, leaving just 25% of men make up the average of 50%. Or is the growing population of Mexicans over 45 starting to accept the inevitable? Mexico has one of the highest of per-capita consumption levels in the world for skin creams, moisturising creams, skin treatments and cosmetics. So any change in consumer attitudes towards looking young could be cause for concern. However, there is a difference between maybe not looking young, but looking younger than you are. In other words the response would br quite different if, let's say, the question was reworded as "it is important to look younger than you are." But would that alter the ranking of responses by country? Probably not by much.
Great TV Advertising. . . Great Brand Entertainment.
Research studies from all over the world show that quality TV advertising is still unmatched in its ability to create emotional connections between brands and people, get talked about and passed around. Like this great work for Brahma Beer. I haven't had time to check out who did it, but whoever it was . . Bravo! The question is, where does the brand go from here? Hopefully not just another TV commercial, but something that takes this idea, this spontaneity, this relevance and builds it into another piece of great brand entertainment. Because I think this is not just a great commercial for Brahma, but great Brahma entertainment. i.e. the brand takes full ownership of the idea.
Presentation on the 7 'deadly' sins of account planning given at the 2007 AAAA Account Planning Conference by Gareth Kay of Modernista! and ... less Mark Lewis of DDB San Francisco This is a good, if lengthy, presentation from Gareth and Mark at the APG conference in San Diego. It´s not really a wake up call, to new brand thinking, anymore, but more of a warning that staying stuck in the traditional (5, 10, 20+ year old) thinking of the way we thought brand communications worked back then (Awareness- Interest- Desire- Action) is now darn right dangerous to a planners health (i.e. career prospects) not mention the health of the brands they are working on. We might have heard it all before but do we really put it work for our clients, when they still don´t quite get it yet?